Save the date - Kombinatas 2025 will take place on August 14-17

It has been a sluggish time for us during winter. But we are back and intrigued to announce to you the dates for the next Kombinatas!

At the moment we are finishing up with the initial brainstorming. In the beginning of April we will announce about this year's location and how you can contribute to the programme.

Hope to see you this year!

Kombinatas Team

Kombinatas is a yearly summer gathering in Lithuania exploring social and political ideas based on solidarity, cooperation and inclusiveness. We focus on participants from Eastern Europe, but we are open to contributions from all around the world!

During the day, the programme consists of discussion panels, lectures and workshops. At night, the musical programme with live performances and DJs takes hold. The festival is attended by around 200 people.

The festival is organised by a group of people who participate in labour, student and feminist movements in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. The festival's team chooses a key theme each year: we invite key speakers and curate main discussion panels. In addition, part of the programme is open for contributions: contact us if you would like to contribute to the programme!

The festival is organised on a voluntary basis, it is free of charge. However, donations are encouraged.

About Kombinatas

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