Kombinatas 2024 OPEN CALL

For Activists, Collectives, Organisations, Friends and Allies!

Join us at Kombinatas 2024, a vibrant summer festival nestled in the picturesque rural setting near Anykščiai, Lithuania, from August 15th to 18th. This year, our theme is "Home", delving into the multifaceted concept of home as a fundamental human right and exploring its implications on social, political, and environmental landscapes.

We invite individuals and groups from around the world to contribute to our diverse programme. Whether you're interested in housing affordability, migration, integration, or global social struggles, we welcome your ideas in the form of presentations, talks, workshops, discussions, or panel sessions.

The theme of Home at Kombinatas 2024 is a poignant reflection of our current societal challenges where the notion of home is increasingly becoming a privilege rather than a universal right. This year, we aim to dissect this complex issue through four interconnected layers.

Firstly, we delve into the local context, scrutinizing housing affordability, safety, and urban development. We seek to highlight the successes of social movements in addressing housing affordability and explore alternatives to private ownership and conventional urban developments. Moreover, we emphasize the importance of safe home environments, touching upon issues such as the division of housework and domestic violence.

Secondly, we expand our scope to the regional level, contemplating the concept of home in the context of migration and integration. By examining what makes us feel at home, we aim to foster discussions on building solidarity across diverse communities and transcending historical barriers to create alliances instead of erecting walls.

Thirdly, we invite participants to adopt a global perspective, viewing social struggles through the lens of the world as our collective home. We encourage the exploration of theoretical frameworks to understand how imperialism undermines our homes and environment. Additionally, we delve into how global capital accumulation impacts housing affordability, rent, and mortgages on a worldwide scale.

Moreover, knowing that the body becomes part of colonialism, starting with social inequality, colonialism is also marked by physiological stress, infectious diseases, violence, trauma and defense mechanisms. Therefore, we would very much welcome various forms of reflections on the relation of the body as home. What does a colonized body mean? How are our bodies affected by social norms, insecurity, threats, and acts of violence? Why is another body demonized, marginalized, discriminated against?

Through these four layers, we aim to deepen our understanding of the multifaceted challenges surrounding the concept of home and to collectively envision a more inclusive and equitable future for all. Join us at Kombinatas 2024 as we embark on this journey of exploration and solidarity.

In your proposal (5-8 sentences), outline your activity and its relevance to the theme of home. Feel free to indicate your city, country, and your preferences for travel and accommodation. While priority is given to participants from Eastern Europe, we eagerly consider proposals from all corners of the globe.

Send your proposals to kombinatasfest@gmail.com by June 15th to be part of our festival lineup. While we cannot reimburse all participants, we offer travel and food support for programme contributors as well as comfortable camping facilities for attendees. Additionally, expect a rich tapestry of live music, DJ sets, quizzes, and communal dinners to complement the intellectual exchange.

Let's come together to explore the notion of home and foster solidarity, cooperation, and inclusiveness at Kombinatas 2024. We look forward to hearing from you and co-creating an enriching experience for all.

Warm regards
Kombinatas organising team